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How to add the Testimonial Toast widget

Add the Testimonial Toast widget to your website.

Senja’s Testimonial Toast widget loads your testimonials in a floating popup on your website.


Click on a testimonial will load a modal with the full testimonial and a CTA.


Note: this widget is not placed as an element in your website. Instead you add the code to your website, inside the <head></head> tags.


In Senja

  1. Once your Testimonial Toast is ready, click on Share
  1. Copy the icon to copy the code snippet
  1. The code is now copied

In your website code, or website tool

  1. We’re going to add the code snippet inside your website head tags
    1. We’re adding the code inside the <head></head> tags
  1. Most website tools will have a place for you to inject a code snippet like this
  1. Often it will be in your site settings
  1. For example, in Framer you would go to Settings > paste the code in the first box and click Save and then Publish

This is sometimes called custom code, code injection, add code, add a script. See an example screen in Framer here:

Notion image
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