Import testimonials from Facebook

You want to import testimonials from Facebook

Senja makes it easy with our integration!

Can I…

Pull in a single review from Facebook?Yes
Bulk import reviews from Facebook?Yes
Autosync my testimonials from Facebook?Yes
Pull in a single post from Facebook?No

Here’s how to connect your account and Import Testimonials:

1. Head to

Or click on Import Testimonials in your dashboard

2. Click Facebook on the left

And then click on Continue With Facebook

3. Connect your Facebook account

Make sure to choose the one associated with your business page and click Continue as

4. Choose the pages you want Senja to access

This can be all current and future pages, or current pages only

5. Verify your connection

Once the connection is complete, you’ll see the following message:

6. Manually import your testimonials or auto-sync

And you’re done!

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