How to add testimonials to Softr [video guide]

Can I…

Upload testimonials to Softr as images?


Add widgets to Softr using the Senja code snippet?


Add testimonials to Sofrt with an app integration?


You want to embed your awesome testimonial widget into your Softr website or application. Here’s how.

Add your Senja testimonials to Softr

Create and share your widget

How to create a new testimonial widget, copy the share code, and add it to your landing page tool.

1. Click on Studio

2. Select a widget style under Widgets

Pick the testimonial widget style you want to create. You can always change it later.

3. Name your widget

Here we've called it Best testimonials

4. Select where you want to embed the widget

This will help you find it later

5. Click on Create widget

Let's start creating the widget

6. Decide what testimonials you want to add

You can set rules so that any new approved testimonials are automatically added to the widget, or curate. Here, we selected curate as we will manually select the testimonials to add to the widget.

7. Click on Continue

8. Start selecting your testimonials

Here's the first one. Select as many as you want to display

9. Click on Save Selection

Once you're happy with the selection, click on Save Selection

10. Click on Design

Here's your widget. Let's update its design

ℹ️ There are lots of design settings and they vary by widget. Make your design changes here until you are happy with your widget.

11. Click on Share

Happy with the design changes? Now it's time to share the widget. Click on Share

12. Click on the copy icon

This will copy the widget code for use on any landing page tool

13. Click on Done

The code is copied and we’re read to navigate to our landing page tool

Want a faster way to copy your widget code? Use Senja’s Chrome Extension ✨

Senja’s free Chrome Extension allows you to copy your widget code and form URLs, and see all your latest testimonials, all without leaving the page you’re on. Download it free here

In Softr

Go to the page where you want to add your testimonial widget.

  • Click the plus button to add a new Block

  • On the right, select Custom Code

  • Paste your Senja code

  • Hit preview. Your testimonials are in!

  • Hit save to put your changes live.

That’s it! Your testimonial widget is now looking amazing in Softr 🥳 Not working? Just click Contact Us below and we’ll assist you.

How to add your testimonials to other platforms

Other landing page platforms

Course platforms

Creator marketplace platforms

Calendar tools

Sales tools and emails

To your code

Ecommerce platforms


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