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Import testimonials from Whatsapp

How to import testimonials from Whatsapp.

You want to import testimonials from Whatsapp.

Can I…

Pull in a single post from Whatsapp?
Autosync my testimonials from Whatsapp?

No worries, Senja makes it very easy to quickly import Whatsapp posts.

1. Go to the Import page to import your testimonials from over 20 sources

2. Click on Whatsapp on the left

Notion image

3. Manually enter your Whatsapp testimonial

Enter the details to import your post.

Notion image

4. A faster workaround:

If you want to bulk import testimonials, try using our Chrome extension. Here’s how:

a. Head to WhatsApp for web in Chrome

Notion image

b. Use the Senja Extension to bulk upload testimonials

Or the grabber to choose individual ones. Here’s our full guide on using the Chrome extension:


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