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Import testimonials from LinkedIn

How to import testimonials from LinkedIn.

You want to import testimonials from LinkedIn.

Can I…

Pull in a single post from LinkedIn?
Autosync my posts from LinkedIn?
Pull in comments from LinkedIn?
Yes, but manually (copy and paste)
Pull in my LinkedIn Recommendations
Yes, but manually (copy and paste)

No worries, Senja makes it very easy to quickly import LinkedIn posts.


Note: To pull in LinkedIn comments and Recommendations, you will need to copy and paste them. See more here: link


1. Click on Import Testimonials

2. Click on Linkedin

3. Paste the link to the LinkedIn post

4. Click on Import post

5. It's imported! Click on it to view the full testimonial

6. Click on Copy link to testimonial

7. Paste the link and view your testimonial

Alternatively turn it into a widget, image, or animation

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