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Collect testimonials in Podia

How to collect testimonials in your Podia course.

Collect testimonials in Podia

Can I…

Collect course testimonials
Embed my collection form as a course lesson in Podia?
Yes, read this guide
Share course testimonials
Add a testimonial widget to my Podia website or course lesson with the code snippet?
Yes, share testimonials in Podia
Upload testimonials to my Podia website and course lesson as images?
Add testimonials to my Podia website and course lesson with an app integration?

Here’s a video showing it in action:

Note: In this video we embed the testimonial form code from Senja. To create a testimonial form with Senja, please continue reading. The code for your form is available inside the Senja app or with the Chrome Extension.

How to add your testimonials to other platforms

Other landing page platforms


Course platforms


Creator marketplace platforms


Calendar tools


Sales tools and emails


To your code


Ecommerce platforms



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