Collect testimonials in Thinkific

Senja makes it really easy to collect testimonials in Thinkific. Here's how.

Collect testimonials inside your Thinkific course

  • You can embed a Senja form inside your Thinkific course

    • You can do this inside a lesson

  • You can add this lesson at the end, of partway through, your course

    • You may collect more testimonials if you embed your form earlier in your course

To embed a form in Thinkific you need your form embed code. Grab your form embed code from the forms page [click on Share] or Chrome Extension

Click on Code View </>

Paste your form embed code

Click on Code View </>

This will return you to the normal lesson view

Your form is live in your course!

You're now collecting testimonials 24/7 inside your course!

Request testimonials with auto-collect (invites)

You can also request testimonials from your Thinkific customers with invites

  • You can do this using our auto-collect feature

  • This emails a testimonial request when something happens in your Thinkific account

    • Triggers can include:

      • Course completed

      • New order

      • Lesson completed

  • The invites sent will show in your Senja account

Testimonial invites

Here's what testimonial invites will look like in your account

  • Senja will also send follow-up reminders, so you will collect more testimonials

Go to the auto-collect screen

Auto-collect is only available on paid plans

Click Connect

Click on Courses to find the Thinkific auto-collect automation.

Amend and enable the Zap

  • Update the Zap to reflect your preferences for the trigger and invites

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