Import testimonials from AirBNB

You want to import testimonials from AirBNB.

Can I…

Pull in all my AirBNB reviews?Yes
Pull in a single AirBNB review?Yes, by selecting during import
Autosync my testimonials from AirBNB?Yes

No worries, Senja makes it very easy to quickly import AirBNB listing testimonials.

How To Import Testimonials From AirBNB

1. Log-in to your AirBNB account and navigate to your profile. From there, click on the applicable listing or click "View all" to see all of your listings

2. Open the listing you want to import reviews from

3. Click on Share

5. Copy text

# Senja

6. Open Senja and click Import Testimonials

7. Click on Airbnb

8. Paste selected text into input

9. Delete everything after the room ID starting with the question mark onward

10. Click on Airbnb URL

11. Delete text after the room ID starting with the question mark onward

13. Click on Search for testimonials

14. This will bring up all your testimonials for that listing. From there, you can manually select individual testimonials to import or choose "select all testimonials"

15. Click import and you're all set!

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