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Import testimonials with the Chrome Extension

Learn how to import with the Chrome Extension

Senja’s Chrome Extension lets you import your testimonials from anywhere on the web.

Here’s how to download it and import your first testimonial.

Download the Extension

Import your first testimonial using the Chrome extension

In our example, we will import a testimonial from X

1. Head to the testimonial you would like to import

  1. Open the Senja chrome extension
    1. On your computer, open Chrome
    2. At the top right, select Extensions (it’s this puzzle icon):
    3. c. Click on the Senja extension

1. Head to Import

This is located on the menu at the bottom of the extension sidebar

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2. Choose your platform

It will show up on the dropdown menu under Import Testimonial

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Can’t find what you’re looking for? The platform you’re using may not be integrated with Senja yet. Head to step 6 below for instructions on capturing text and image testimonials instead.

3. Add a Tag

Before importing testimonials, consider adding a tag. This will help you find find and filter testimonials in the future

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4. Click Import

This button will look different depending on the platform you’re importing from

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5. View your Testimonial

Head to the Testimonials tab and ensure the testimonial imported correctly.

You did it! You imported your first testimonial using the Senja Chrome extension 🥳

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Import Text and Image Testimonials

If Senja isn’t integrated with the platform hosting your testimonial, you can use the Text or Image option to grab them instead.

Here’s how:

1. Choose your testimonial type

Click on the dropdown menu under Import Testimonial

  • If your testimonial has text, choose Text testimonial
  • If your testimonial is an image, choose Image testimonial
    • Our extension will automatically transcribe any text within the image for you
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2. Grab text or images

  1. Click the cursor button
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  1. Select the text and images you want to add to the corresponding fields
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  1. Watch it grab and fill for you 🪄

P.S. If you’d prefer to do this manually, you can type the info into the fields instead. But we highly recommend the grab tool for speed and accuracy.

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